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A Breathtaking Look
Published on December 4, 2003 By Kaedrin In Politics
Reading a forum I regularly post at, I noticed the following post:
Subj: what I'm afraid of
Another terrorist attack on US soil just happens to occur in October and Bush suspends the November elections. That's the only thing I can imagine that will really cause the shit to hit the fans.
Naturally, I was taken aback. I wanted to respond, but words fail me, and I really shudder to think of the responses I'd recieve (not that fear of the responses would stop me - I simply don't know what to say). It's breathtaking.

That post was in response to (what I hope was) a tongue in cheek reference to the war predicted by one John Titor. The Titor phenemenon is a fascinating one. Some of the details are disputed, but apparently around November of 2000, Mr. Titor started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036. After a few months he posted that he would be returning to 2036, and was never heard from again. Naturally, he made all sorts of vague predictions that, in retrospect, appear to have been true! Right, that's logical. But these sorts of internet things are interesting to read, so check it out. In particular, Mr. Titor made one very specific prediction:
America will soon be engaged in civil war with itself; a civil war that we'll see the beginnings of during 2004 and 2005, escalating until it is indisputable by 2008
Naturally, Bush will be the one to start this civil war. It's so obvious , right? Right!?

Anyway, I suppose there is a slim hope that the above listed post was meant as a joke or a snarky attempt to fill the Titor prediction...

Update: I don't think the poster was as serious as I originally thought, so I made some slight edits to this post.
on Dec 04, 2003
I think conspiracy theorists would be more concerend with the electronic voting machines that are going to be used in Nov 04 than anything else.

A system that (allegedly) can not produce an audit trail should have us all concerened as should the rather silly and hopefully benign comments by the President of Diebold (a voting machine manufacturer). "We (I) will do everything in our power to ensure George Bush gets the Ohio Electoral Votes".

Now that statement was made at his home at a GOP fundraiser, neither fact being any cuase for concern. However wouldn't you, as the President of a voting machine company, try to be a little more diplomatic. Surely he could have foreseen the ruckus his words could (and did) cause.

on Dec 04, 2003
Electoral fraud is one thing, and hardly a new accusation in politics (even with respect to Bush), but suggesting that Bush would orchestrate a terrorist attack in October so that he could "suspend" (not delay, not postpone) elections is another thing...
on Dec 04, 2003
Yes it is a stupid thing to say which reminds me of a favorite saying. There is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people that ask questions.

Logically of course there is no way such a terrible secret could be kept, not in DC which would be reason alone to put someone off the idea should it ever occur to them.

Now saying that I also, in my heart of hearts, believe that his administration would love to declare martial law (and probably every other administration before them) but of course it will not come to pass.

But to go back to the stupid comments, I had lunch with a good friend recently who stated that he (honestly) believes that none of the current dem candidates for the DNC Nomination should become president. Not becasue of social issues, not becuase of defense issues.

he genuinly belives that 'they hate democracy'.
on Dec 04, 2003
It could happen, but civil war within the US? There is not one group in the US that I could see with the ability or the desire to attempt an overthrow.
Any group with enough financial capability to do so would refrain just to protect the capital they have.
There is no one socio-economic group organized enough, or cooperative enough to band togather.
Plus, I'm sure the Fortune 500 would mass enough mercenairies to quell any threat to the economy.
on Dec 05, 2003
There is no need to worry about an overthrow--any longer--it has already happened,thanks to the zeal of the religious right.
on Dec 05, 2003
Time travel isn't possible. Not because science couldn't do it, but as human beings we are unable to leave things be. We will meddle, change, and manipulate. Something in a person's past would implant the thought of timetravel..(If I only could have done this differently..) And by that means, we'd remove any "spark" of the notion to timetravel. Ergo, paradox..Sorry, had to vent a little.

As to prophecies, in a way we're all prophets. By knowing the past, we can predict the future. Also, by manipulating the present we can change the future. (That's a duh)
But I am referring to Speculation. Take the stock market. What decides how well it does? We all do. From just being in the society we affect things.
If some megaplayer got a wild hair that Coca-Cola was going out of business and there was a tiny bit of evidence this was possible, then other's follow suit similiarly or go the other way..But we Influence the outcome. So, in a way Mr.Titor could be right. Self-prophecy. Enough people believe it'll happen, it will happen.
If enough people disbelieve, it won't happen. Simple enough to wrap your mind around, yah?

on Mar 21, 2004
Hey If your interested in John Titor you might want to join my yahoo group: -

theres loads of links and pictures for you to check out and a message board.